
WinGate - прокси-сервер для организации совместного доступа в Интернет

Прокси-сервер Qbik WinGate - Internet sharing / proxy server software allowing your whole network to share your Internet connection. WinGate scales from simple Internet sharing for home networks to complex corporate intranets. The first-to-market Windows Internet sharing solution, WinGate features: proxy server, firewall, NAT, DHCP, and DNS services

Ключевые слова:
Qbik, WinGate VPN, WinGate, прокси Wingate, сервер Wingate, Gateway, download, Proxy, Firewall, Fire Wall, Wall, Fire, SMTP, POP, POP3, Server, Client, Dedicated, Modem, ISDN, Leased Line, Leased, PPP, TCP/IP, Internet Connection, Internet, Connection, Share, Shared, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows, 95, NT, Communications, Winsock, Network, Networking, Internet Access, Access, Configuration, Network Sharing, Sharing, IP, User Authentication, User, Users, Authentication, GateKeeper, Gate, Keeper, Integration, Logging, Log, Logger, Logfile, Log File, Mail, Mailing, Service, SOCKS5, SOCKS4, SOCKS, Socket, Sock, Internet Accounts, Account, HTTP Caching, HTTP, Cache, Caching, DHCP Server, DHCP Client, DHCP, Secure, Status, Security, XDMA Proxy, XDMA, LAN, Locations, Scheduler, Schedule, Tasks, Jobs, WWW Browser, WWW, Web, Browser, Web Browser, DNS, Domain Name Server, Domain, Name, Binding, Account, NPH, CGI, Session, WWW Proxy, NetBIOS, Bind, ICQ, Ping, RAS Dialup, RAS Dialdown, RAS, Dialup, Dialdown, UDP, IP


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Добавлено 22.12.2016, обновлено 19.03.2025 19:46