BIOMEDIS TRINITY $632 | international manufacturer's store
The store of the manufacturer of Biomedis Trinity devices. Original professional multi-frequency bioresonance therapy devices Biomedis Trinity with 4 exposure modes and the ability to connect to a PC to create individual therapeutic complexes from the frequency base. All Biomedis Trinity devices are guaranteed for 1 year. Biomedis Global Store delivers the Biomedis Trinity device to all countries from warehouses in Europe, Asia, Russia and the USA. The Biomedis Trinity store provides consulting support in a chat on the website in all languages. Join the Biomedis Trinity Global Group on Telegram @biomedis_club. Join BIOMEDIS TRINITY GLOBAL GROUP on Facebook
Ключевые слова:
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Добавлено 09.08.2017, обновлено 15.01.2025