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Описание: This site is dedicated to the great Russian pianist Grigory Sokolov. Championed at a young age by Emil Gilels and a prominent figure on the Russian music scene since his early teens, Sokolov has gained an almost mythical status amongst music-lovers and pianophiles throughout the world. He is considered by many today to be the world's greatest living pianist

Ключевые слова: Григорий Соколов, пианист, музыка, Шопен, Брамс, Бетховен, Прокофьев, Комитас, Куперен, Бах, биография, рецензии, Григорий, Соколов, программа, концерты, Grigory, Sokolov, pianist, music, Chopin, Brahms, Beethoven, Prokofiev, Komitas, Couperin, Bach, mp3, biography, review, schedule, Grigory Sokolov

Домен зарегистрирован: 16.07.2012

Grigory Sokolov